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New 42 MW Order: Nordex Has Sold Almost 1,000 MW of Wind Power Capacity in Lithuania to Date

Hamburg, Germany - Wind turbine manufacturer Nordex is further expanding its market presence in Lithuania. At the end of June 2024, the Nordex Group signed a contract with the E Energija Group for the supply and installation of a 42 MW wind farm in Lithuania.

The wind farm consists of six turbines with 7 MW each and is to be erected near the town of Kunas. Delivery of the Delta4000 series turbines on 159-metre towers will begin in the second half of 2025, with commissioning scheduled for the same year.

"It is the first of our 3 projects that we plan to start building in central Lithuania this year and we chose Nordex as the best option both in terms of technology and successful partnership that we have experienced so far," comments Gediminas Uloza, CEO of E Energija Group.

Since the beginning of the cooperation in 2023, E Energija Group has already ordered 50 N163/6.X turbines with a total capacity of 346 MW from Nordex. In total, Nordex has sold wind turbines with a capacity of 950 MW to various customers in Lithuania.

Source: IWR Online, 11 Jul 2024