Steady Wind Power Expansion: Nordex Receives 78 MW Order in Greece
Hamburg, Germany - Wind turbine manufacturer Nordex has received another major order for turbines of the Delta4000 series. For an undisclosed customer, 14 wind turbines of the 5 MW class type N149/5.X will be installed in Greece.
Nordex will supply and install the turbines on tubular steel towers with a hub height of 105 meters starting in 2024. After commissioning, the three wind farms will produce more than 232 GWh (million kWh) of electricity annually. The Nordex customer has signed long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs) for all three wind farms.
The expansion of wind energy in Greece has risen steadily over the past few years, although the momentum of new installations has recently slowed somewhat. At the end of 2022, according to the Hellenic Wind Energy Association (Eletaen), wind turbines with a total capacity of 4,682 MW were in operation in Greece (2021: 4,451 MW).
In January 2023, wind turbines with more than 3 GW were connected to the grid and producing electricity in Greece for the first time. According to European grid operator data, the previous capacity record of 3,053 MW was set on Jan. 17, 2023.
According to data from European grid operators, the previous capacity record in Greece was set on Jan. 17, 2023, with a feed-in capacity of 3,053 MW.
Source: IWR Online, 30 Mar 2023